Exceptional: A-Level Paintings from The Year That Never Was

For many people, one of the saddest features of our national lockdown was the impact that it had on schools and students. One aspect of this was that many of our normal ways of celebrating success and acknowledging student achievement had to be cancelled or indefinitely postponed. 

One such event was Chenderit’s annual A level exhibition. Usually, this takes the form of an exhibition in the Heseltine Gallery, in which the work of our Year Thirteen A level students is displayed. For obvious reasons this could not take place this year, but we are fortunate that we can now offer a virtual exhibition of these students’ work.

This was an amazing year group, of particularly talented individuals. It would be great if as many people as possible could support these young people and visit the new online exhibition, to see for themselves just how amazing the work is. We are very proud of the achievements of these students, and wish them every success in their lives beyond Chenderit. We hope that they continue to be as creative and as hard-working as they were throughout their time in sixth form, and hope that their work inspires and encourages all those who see it.

“The world needs artists: we need creativity and innovation, passion and intellect. These students have all shown these attributes. In the strangest of years, their work reminds us how beautiful and inspiring art can be.” 

- Tom Christy, Head of Art and Design, Chenderit


The online exhibition, ‘Exceptional’ will run online from Friday 23rd October until 22nd December 2020.